We are currently looking for suitable people to join our team in the following areas:

An endless range of products
Self-adhesive labels are the right solution for labeling or labeling products. The label provides information about the product, its content and is at the same time a buying decision on the most demanding front – it is advertising medium No. 1. A purchase occurs only if the product is convincing in its overall appearance.
Versatile and can be used anywhere
While only yogurt and a small assortment of dairy products used to be packaged in cups and bowls, the product range has been expanded thanks to many innovations. Packaging in cups and bowls caters to the trend for food on the go (2Go). Packaging units for food on the go have to meet the requirements of not being too big (single portion size), being convenient (easy to open), and being easy to eat immediately without any hassle (ready-to-eat).
Cups and bowls have thus been introduced in many new sectors.

Our selection of product-relevant videos.